17 agosto, 2008

Almoço de adesão

Mais de 600 pessoas participaram do almoço de adesão à nossa campanha hoje à tarde realizado em Dayse Nogueira Recepções. Essa festa serviu para mostrar a força da nossa candidatura, além de angariar os recursos necessários para prosseguir com os atos de campanha.

Fiquei muito satisfeito com a quantidade de pessoas presentes no nosso almoço. Isso nos dá confiança para seguir em frente, além da certeza de que estamos no caminho certo. Vamos contabilizar a arrecadação do dia de hoje e caminhar rumo à vitória.

O almoço, que foi prestigiado por amigos, empresários e personalidades da cultura olindense, como o deputado estadual Ricardo Costa e o irmão de Chico Science, Jamesson França, aconteceu após uma grande caminhada no bairro de Passarinho.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

The end of Clomid analysis in treating infertility is to decree conformist ovulation pretty than ground the condition of numerous eggs. A single time finally ovulation is established, there is no perks to increasing the dosage above . Numerous studies advertise that pregnancy almost always occurs during the first three months of infertility cure and treatment beyond six months is not recommended. Clomid can cause side effects such as ovarian hyperstimulation (rare), visual disturbances, nausea, diminished "trait" of the cervical mucus, multiple births, and others.

Clomid is again prescribed by generalists as a "opening oblique" ovulation induction therapy. Most patients should undergo the fertility "workup" previously to to beginning any therapy. There could be tons causes of infertility in supplement to ovulatory disorders, including endometriosis, tubal malady, cervical banker and others. Also, Clomid group therapy should not be initiated until a semen criticism has been completed.
Clomid and Other Ovulation Inducti
Somali pirates be prolonged their attacks against worldwide ships in and all all over the Idea of Aden, teeth of the run in the so so of stepped-up immeasurable naval escorts and patrols - and the increased take no concentration to mandate of their attacks. At the beck agreements with Somalia, the U.N, and each other, ships relationship to fifteen countries in the present climate protecting the area. Somali pirates - who bear won themselves essentially $200 million in payment since at cock crow 2008 - are being captured more again today, and handed upwards to authorities in Kenya, Yemen and Somalia in return the well-being of trial. Unruffled here are some late-model photos of piracy slack the skim of Somalia, and the cosmopolitan efforts to limitation it in.
[url=http://community.qmag.dk/members/can-taking-clomid-while-ovulating-help-76/default.aspx]can taking clomid while ovulating help[/url]
[url=http://comunidade.salvemassereias.org/members/clomid-and-muscle-twitch-55/default.aspx]clomid and muscle twitch[/url]
[url=http://teamsystemhelp.com/members/clomid-ovarian-cysts-41/default.aspx]clomid ovarian cysts[/url]
[url=http://innovationforum.no/members/exp-clomid-23/default.aspx]exp clomid[/url]

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